Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yellowstone Buffalo Slated for Misguided Slaughter

Nothing is sadder than Yellowstone National Parks failure to protect the buffalo entrusted to it by the American people. It is their duty to protect all the wildlife in Yellowstone and slaughtering thousands of buffalo at the behest of the Montana Livestock Association is a miserable failure and abdication of the parks responsibilities. Please support the Buffalo Field Campaigns heroic efforts to save the remaining buffalo of America's last genetically pure herd. 

Bull buffalo mourn a comrad shot by a hunter. Buffalo do not flee after a friend is shot, but will run to them, attempting to get them up again, grunting, circling and nudging them. Buffalo have many amazing behaviors that demonstrate that they deeply care for one another. BFC file photo by Kim Acheson. Click photo for larger image.

Update from the Field

Bull buffalo mourn a comrad shot by a hunter. Buffalo do not flee after a friend is shot, but will run to them, attempting to get them up again, grunting, circling and nudging them. Buffalo have many amazing behaviors that demonstrate that they deeply care for one another. BFC file photo by Kim Acheson. Click photo for larger image.

America's last continuously wild buffalo population numbers fewer than 4,200 individuals. Living in and around Yellowstone, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure that threatens their immediate survival and their long-term evolutionary potential. This season, over 127 wild buffalo have been gunned down by hunters along the border of Yellowstone National Park. While Montana's state hunt is finally over, some treaty hunting will continue through March. Additionally, the Montana legislature is quickly moving forward with a frenzy of devastating bills that would have very real and harmful impacts to these gentle giants. Aggravating matters, Yellowstone National Park continues to hold fast to their plans to senselessly slaughter hundreds of buffalo this year and in years to come. While Yellowstone managers admit that these are the most unique and important buffalo populations in the world, they seek to manage for the smallest numbers possible.

You and I have the power to stop this. Together our actions have made significant differences for wild buffalo. But wild bison remain ecologically extinct, truly endangered without federal listing or protection. We need to keep the pressure on, and turn it up! Everyone who reads these words has the capacity to make a difference. Please read below to learn about the ways you can help wild buffalo right now, and please help raise awareness by sharing this email with all of your friends and contacts.

Wild is the Way
America's last continuously wild buffalo population numbers fewer than 4,200 individuals. Living in and around Yellowstone, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure that threatens their immediate survival and their long-term evolutionary potential. This season, over 127 wild buffalo have been gunned down by hunters along the border of Yellowstone National Park. While Montana's state hunt is finally over, some treaty hunting will continue through March. Additionally, the Montana legislature is quickly moving forward with a frenzy of devastating bills that would have very real and harmful impacts to these gentle giants. Aggravating matters, Yellowstone National Park continues to hold fast to their plans to senselessly slaughter hundreds of buffalo this year and in years to come. While Yellowstone managers admit that these are the most unique and important buffalo populations in the world, they seek to manage for the smallest numbers possible.

You and I have the power to stop this. Together our actions have made significant differences for wild buffalo. But wild bison remain ecologically extinct, truly endangered without federal listing or protection. We need to keep the pressure on, and turn it up! Everyone who reads these words has the capacity to make a difference. Please read below to learn about the ways you can help wild buffalo right now, and please help raise awareness by sharing this email with all of your friends and contacts.

Wild is the Way ~ Roam Free!

You can donate to the Buffalo Field Campaign and learn more about this dedicated group at:

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